

Hello there! My name is Angela, and in January 2017 I started my hand-lettering journey. What began with simple drills quickly grew into trying to expand my skills into various mediums beyond brush pens like Watercolors, Dip Pens and digital lettering.

As a lefty, I've spent my entire life conforming to a right-hand world. While this is also true for hand-lettering, it just means that we lefties who are brave enough to take up this skill have to try a little harder. Ultimately though, with enough practice hand-lettering becomes a treasured talent regardless of what hand you use to bring life to your art. 

I created this website as a place to document my journey and lend help/hope to others who are interested. While I took up hand-lettering out of curiosity, I discovered DIY planning as a wonderful by-product of my new skills. Here I intend to share with you my lettering pieces (along with tips and tricks) as well as how I approach my DIY planner (and wonder why I took so long to dive in!). 

As I create my blog postings, you'll learn that I'm a lefty, a wife, a mother, and a Chicagoan by birth (that has also lived in Orange County, California and just recently moved to Eastern Michigan - NOT Detroit). But, that above all things, I am a complete spaz with a daily life that is filled with unexpected obstacles (often of my own fault) combined with "I can't believe that actually happened" situations that sound like something from a comedy. I can assure you: Yes. It really happened.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my little slice of the interwebs. Happy Reading, and feel free to laugh as hard as you want - I know I do!